Jackson Scott Owens

Welcome to the family little Jackson!
Congratulations to the new parents, Maggie & Rob, new grandparents Jude & Larry, and to Great Grandma Apple!
Last night everyone visited Maggie in the hospital and got to hold Jackson. He really does seem perfect and Maggie looks great! Rob was incredibly happy and looked tired but so excited! Rob said Mag hasn't had any sleep in the last few days. We are all hoping she got to rest last night after we left her and Rob. It was a ton of fun seeing everyone so happy! As Emily put it - I think we all have "baby fever"!
Now that Jackson is here, it will be hard to leave without seeing him again until July. I suppose the exciting aspect is knowing how big Jackson will be in 3 months!
I've posted pictures to Flickr for family and friends to see little Jackson.
Denver Snow Storm
Look at what's going on in Denver just for Joseph!
You can see the slideshow of the winter storm here!
You can see the slideshow of the winter storm here!
Cincy Friends!
The dance is over for Xavier, as they say. Last night my bracket went from pretty awesome to horrible in just a few hours. At least I still have UConn!
I did have a great time with all my Cincy friends, Steve, Justin, Megan, Braden, and Ashley. Everyone seems to be very happy and enjoying life around them. Joseph and I are trying to get them out to the high country - maybe this will be the year! I love Ashley - she is like my long long lost sister! She hasn't watched Twilight yet, but I have a feeling she will soon then she will love Edward like Emily, Amy, Laura, and I!
Funny thing about Cincinnati - the guys were telling me that the old breweries are trying to make a come back in the downtown area. I noticed the lack of knowledge about local brews, specifically from those who work in bars/restaurants and even the liquor/wine/beer department at Jungle Jim's. I asked for a local brew (meaning Cincinnati) and they showed me Leinenkugel! Yikes! At Habits the barkeep seemed to show the same knowledge when I asked for their local brew on tap (there was none) so I opted for the Moerlein Emancipator. It wasn't all that bad! My taste is not as sophisticated as Joseph's but I drank it down happily :)
THANKS STEVE, JUSTIN, MEGAN, BRADEN, & ASHLEY for the fun night! Can't wait to see you on Saturday night!
Cincy Adventure Cont. Skyline and BonBonerie
We visited Maggie and Jude today after our Sklyine lunch and she seems to be doing very well. I have never seen a more beautiful mother to be! She looked great, calm, and under control. Everyone is really excited so I'll update you on what is going on.
We went to BonBonerie for Opera Cream coffee and sweets, and if that wasn't enough, we had to stop at Haute Chocolate to buy even more sweets! I really enjoyed hanging out with mom and dad at BonBonerie - it is so cute seeing all the little Catholic school kids in their uniforms chomping down on Opera Cream cupcakes and orange sodas after school! When we stopped by Haute Chocolate Lisa was there making Easter candies so we had to buy things for Maggie and Rob, Joseph, and of course my favorite raspberries. Her son lives in Colorado with his growing family, so we talked about the big snow storm moving through the area! We even heard it on the local news in Cincinnati!
The Durr Family
4 little girls + karaoke + ice cream = CRAZINESS!
Tonight our dear friends Craig, Dana, Hannah, Haley, and Lauren joined us for dinner and signing festivities at mom and dad's house. Not only did we have the 3 Durr girls singing and dancing, we also had Ellie thrown into the mix! While the girls played and got to know each other, Emily and I got to catch up on Maggie's exciting news! She might (keep your fingers crossed) have a new little guy in her life in two days!!!
I really cherish Craig and Dana's friendship - no matter how long it has been since I saw them last - they are great company and such good friends! One of these days we will get up to Northern Ohio for a fun lakeside visit! By that time Hannah will be taller than me!
A Drive Through the Hills
Grey rainy day! I haven't seen rain in a long time! Two things I do miss about Ohio - green hills and lots of old trees. We don't really get that in Denver :( Although the negative side to that is my hair is a gigantic ball of fizziness.
We visited Beth this morning at Starbucks in Mariemont - a favorite place of ours - but it just wasn't the same without Joseph there. I finally bought my own Cincinnati MUG!
Father and I drove through Indian Hill today and saw all our favorite spots, including
Peter Frampton's house and the Arboretum. He told me a lot about famous horses, houses, and people, which kept me entertained for a good two hours. After seeing pretty deer and rolling hills we stopped by Montgomery Inn where we talked to just about everyone in the restaurant, including Mrs. G (Ted's wife). She knew my Grandfather Stacey well so it was kind of cool to say hello to her. I told her coming here to eat is home to me! She seemed to agree ;)
Last night Dad and I went on another drive through Glendale in search of Karaoke, but found his friends hanging out on their porch instead. They live in an old 1857 white house that looks like something out of Gettysburg. It is called the Deitrich House and had an historical run-in with some Civil War Morgan's Raiders. I think they stole horses from their stable... which is still there in the back yard. Anyways, we had a drink with them and talked about everything from traveling to Egypt and Maine, local and Denver breweries, to Harold and Kumar Go to White Castle. It was a fun and unexpected visit that continued our Cincinnati adventures!
Look through Glendale photographs here!
Dad told me more stories, but to be honest I can't keep up with all of them. It does seem that every corner in Cincy has an interesting story.
Tonight we are having a little dinner party for good family friends. They have three little girls and hopefully they will keep Ellie company!
Dhani Tackles the Globe

Last night mom, dad, and I watched Travel Channel's new program, Dhani Tackles the Globe. I recommend this show to everyone who loves jet-setting, good attitudes, Cincinnati Bengals, and most of all the beautiful Dhani, Mr. Jones!

Okay, I must admit that I have new crushes... You already know of my crush, Edward and Ed Westwick, and now Mr. Jones has been added to that list. Sorry Joseph!
Here are a few pictures and a video from Dhani Tackles the Globe. Watch it on Monday nights! Next week - ENGLAND!!!
Cincinnati Adventures Cont.
Today mom and I visited UC and I found some cute things to bring back home, including my red sweatshirt (seen in pictures)! Mother also ventured downtown with me to the new ball park, Great American Ball Park, where we bought Joseph a Reds hat and me a Reds t-shirt so I'll have something to wear with Jess when we see our teams play the Rockies this summer! (Jess I can't wait!!!)
By the way family and friends - Friday, July 3 @ 7:10 - Reds vs. Cardinals! Anyone and everyone should come with us! I'll be wearing my new Reds shirt, of course!
After doing some other classically Cincinnati things (I'll fill that in later) Pam, Sage, and I picked up Ellie from school and got an ice cream before we did some watercolor paintings at Apple's house. Sage is Kim's new puppy, a King Charles Spaniel in ruby red! Kim also mentioned Cody got fitted for his "dress blues" which is very exciting!!! Congrats Code-monster!!! We really miss him and think of him ALL THE TIME! Thanks for my first letter!
For dinner we hopped down the street to the Blue Ash LaRosa's! I dream of simple things like having dinner with the family and playing with Ellie, catching up on the latest Meyer family news. It was so relaxing and so comforting, not to mention the pizza was delicious!
Home Sweet Home
After my Saturday afternoon arrival home I finally got to hang out with family and play games with little Ellie. Later Emily and I watching the annoyingly popular Twilight and loved it - then we talked about how cute Robert Pattinson, Edward, is and how much we want to read the series. We continued to discuss important matters like Gossip Girl (Ed Westwick, Chuck, is also very cute).
This morning began with Sunday Mass and Greg's birthday lunch at The Works, in downtown historic Loveland. It was so enjoyable to watch Ellie play and discover the wonder that is my iPhone, Tino.
I am happy to be in Cincinnati, relax, forget about work, and enjoy my favorite things from home!
To be continued!
Freitag at last!

Okay, I don't know how that Coors slipped itself in there! Jamie and I loves ourselves a PBR - the perfect coupling with Friday night pizza! (I am also very fond of Session, which is technically much better than PBR, but don't tell Jamie or Julie)!
This Friday night Joseph and I are hanging out together - watching the OSU basketball game and tracking our brackets. Yes, I am watching basketball (kind of). I'm trying anyway while I blog. Joseph on the other hand is completely hypnotized by the game.
I must pack my flight bag, download the new Coconut Records CD to my iPhone, as well as some episodes of Top Gear and The Royal Tenenbaums film. Something to do during the flight (besides anticipating my arrival in the Midwest).
I am very happy to announce the beginning of Spring break! I am off to Cincy tomorrow morning (yippee) while Jess and Erin are joining some students for the Service Learning trip to New Orleans. Jess is in the top photo on the right.
Safe travels to everyone! I'll post photos from my trip to the Nati ASAP!
This Friday night Joseph and I are hanging out together - watching the OSU basketball game and tracking our brackets. Yes, I am watching basketball (kind of). I'm trying anyway while I blog. Joseph on the other hand is completely hypnotized by the game.
I must pack my flight bag, download the new Coconut Records CD to my iPhone, as well as some episodes of Top Gear and The Royal Tenenbaums film. Something to do during the flight (besides anticipating my arrival in the Midwest).
I am very happy to announce the beginning of Spring break! I am off to Cincy tomorrow morning (yippee) while Jess and Erin are joining some students for the Service Learning trip to New Orleans. Jess is in the top photo on the right.
Safe travels to everyone! I'll post photos from my trip to the Nati ASAP!
St. Patrick's Day 2009
You can see all the pictures from St. Patrick's Day on 9f Flickr! I'll add details and info after work :)
Hope you had a great St. Patrick's Day!
Hope you had a great St. Patrick's Day!
Taking the Stage
New series starting March 19th on MTV about students at the School for Creative and Performing Arts in the Nati!
St. Patrick's Day Parade, Denver 2009!

St. Patrick's Parade in Denver was so much fun! And by the way, the weather couldn't have been more perfect (sunny and in the 60's)! Here we are waiting to get the parade started at Coors Field. Anne, our good friend, is missing from this photo. She is taking pictures of the storm troopers with kilts! I didn't have my camera with me (believe it or not) so I got this picture from our other dancing friend, Marc. He has a ton of fantastically beautiful pictures on Kodak.
I unfortunately didn't get my solo dress in time, but I still had so much fun dancing and watching all the happy drunk people!!! Anne and I met up with Joseph for a drink and some fish & chips while we watched Emily, Kris, and the Denver Pipe Band!
You can also see the local news coverage of the parade from 9 News.

via Tomi Tapio on Flickr
If you share a fear of squirrels like hundreds of people in the world, then check out sciurophobia. Or if you are like me, you might think these photos from Tomi Tapio are pretty adorable!
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