I'm completely excited about shooting our graduation this Saturday with Jon! Joseph is off the hook this time - he is scheduled to open in the AM. We'll still miss him though...
I pick up the photography equipment tomorrow directly after work. I'm a little apprehensive about diving into the world of studio lighting. College was a long time ago and we always used natural lighting in my classes. At least I have Friday night to experiment with the light kit before the big event.
We are hoping for nice weather, but as Denver has been dark and stormy, it is difficult to predict at this juncture. Keep your fingers crossed and I'll keep mine crossed too.
I still haven't had the steam to make the s.pings blog look finished and working well, or finish the last page on s.pings studio.com. I am so focused on work, exams, reflections, etc. that when I get home I zone out. Blogging about nothing in particular makes me unwind and the last thing I want to do is stress about the details and fix problems {or have Joseph do that for me, hehe}.
I am currently using Blogger as my main outlet now, although not really the best blogging system, it is used by so many in the design and photo blogging realms. I think I've tried them all, Wordpress, Blogger, Tumblr, my own domain, and whatever else is out there. We already know I have a complex about switching blog formats {again and again and again} so I am kind of tired of all that and want my old blog back. But it is too late now! Blogger it remains for the day.
Big weekend coming up! Wish us luck and I'll be sure to post our photos ASAP! Enjoy you Friday!
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