Spells Halloween!

While at Target this morning, I couldn't help but slowly stroll down the festive isle of candy, costumes, and decorations. To be honest, I wanted to buy all of it! I love passing out candy, dressing up, listening to spooky music, scary movies... okay well not scary movies, but you get the idea. (I do not do the whole haunted house thing, unless it is in someone's front yard at a neighborhood party).
I'm not sure what the plans are for Halloween - I'm sure I'll have to work on a Saturday night, but if not I suppose I'll dress up as an Irish dancer. I've already got that covered! I've also got in the closet a soccer costume, a poor Irish person from Aran, um... and either George Washington or Moby Dick. I'm not sure, but it could pass as a general or sea captain.
I got my Martha Stewart newsletter in the mailbox today full of cute Halloween ideas from subscribers all over the Nation. Nothing beats a Marth Halloween! I can't wait for the magazine and crafts at the store! Last year I waited until everything went on sale - reminder for this year.
Those are the cutest costumes. Are they in Martha's Halloween issue? Do you know where I can find the patterns?