Alfred, Louis and Francois after 12 years of preparation were surprised to find a cafe at the top of mount Everest

icons on the mountain

I've basically spent my day off/cold recovery doing the following:I've discovered some new-to-me blogs that I just adore. Very Sasek, I must admit, but after all, he's got a good thing going, why mess with it? I love this aesthetic, these new blogs and artists. Thank goodness for creativity! Why didn't I think of these?

I've basically spent my day off/cold recovery doing the following:
- Skype Mother
- Drink tea
- Opt not to shower
- Deposit at bank
- E.F. library to pick up my treasure trove of CD's, movies, and books
- Fill Hans with gas, oil, windshield fluid
- Target Rx cold meds and Kleenex
- Lunch with Joseph
- Watch Charlie Rose feat. Wes Anderson
- Blog, read blogs, Facebook
- Think about going to Fado's for Irish music/dance with friends tonight
Matte Stephens (1&2)
Call Me Max(3)
Wayne Pate(4&5)
Rifle Paper Co. and Blog(6)
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